TEL : 832-653-6596
Thank you for choosing Queenston Eye Care Center, by completing this patient information form you will help us serve you more efficiently. Should you have any questions concerning our professional services or office procedures, please feel free to ask a member of our front office staff.
Patient Information Date: ______________
Last Name: __________________________First Name: ___________________________ Middle: ______
Address: ___________________________________City:_______________ State: _______ Zip: _________
Email Address: _________________________________ SS#: _____-______-_____ DL#: _______________
Date of Birth: ____/_____/______ Age: ______ Sex: M / F
Occupation: _________________________ Employer: _______________________________________
Cell phone: (______) _________________ Home Phone: (_____) ________________
Check Appropriate Box: c Minor c Single c Married c Widowed c Separated c Divorced
Spouse or Parent’s Name: ______________________________
Person to contact in case of emergency: _____________
________________________ Phone: _____________
Reason for today’s visit: ______________________________________ Date of last eye exam: ____/____/___
Age of current glasses: _______________________ Type of glasses: _________________________________
List of medications if any: ___________________________________________________________________
INSURANCE INFORMATION: ____ No Vision Insurance ____ Discount Plan ____ Claim Form Given
Primary Insurance
Insurance Name: ___________________ID#:______________ Group ID: _____________ Policy Holder:____________
Secondary Insurance
Insurance Name: ___________________ID#:______________ Group ID: _____________ Policy Holder:____________
Please circle any of the medical problems that apply to you or your immediate family
Diabetes Self Family None High Blood Pressure Self Family None
Thyroid Disease Self Family None Cardiovascular Disease Self Family None
Glaucoma Self Family None Respiratory Problems Self Family None
Lazy Eye Self Family None Retinal Detachment Self Family None
Cataracts Self Family None Head/ Eye Injury Self Family None
Double Vision Self Family None Macular Degeneration Self Family None
Cancer Self Family None Headaches/ Migraines Self Family None
Major Surgeries Self Family None Lasik (Refractive) Surgery Self Family None
Acknowledgement of the Federal HIPPA Privacy Practices
I acknowledge that I have received and/or reviewed a copy of the HIPPA Privacy Practices.
Signature: _______________________________________ Date: _______________
Financial Policy
Thank you for choosing Queenston Eye Care. We are committed to providing you and your family with the best available medical care. In our ongoing process to make sure that all your medical needs are met, our billing department is available to discuss our fees and this policy with you.
We ask that all responsible parties read and sign our financial policy as well as complete the patient information forms prior to seeing the physician.
Payment for all services will due at the time services are rendered. In order to serve you better we accept cash, check Visa, MasterCard and Discover.
As the responsible party, please understand (please initial by the following):
_____ 1. Your insurance policy is a contract between you, your employer and the insurance company. We are not a party to that contact. Our relationship is with you, not your insurance company. We will not become involved in disputes between you and your insurer regarding deductibles, co-payments, covered charges, secondary insurance and “usual customary” charges. As your medical provider, we will only supply factual information to facilitate claim processing.
_____ 2. Fees for services, which include unpaid balances, deductibles, and co-payments, are due at the time of services. Return checks and unpaid balances may be subject to collection placements and collection fees of $25.00.
_____ 3. All charges are your responsibility, whether you’re insurance company pays or does not pay. If your insurance carrier does not remit payment within sixty days, the balance will be due in full from you. If any payment is made directly to you for services billed by Queenston Eye Care, you recognize an obligation to promptly remit payment to Queenston Eye Center.
_____ 4. We will only file the first two insurances; if you have more than two you will be responsible to file the rest.
_____ 5. All Medicare and Medicare Advantage patients will be responsible for the refractive charge of the exam. Medicare does not cover any procedure that is routine. If your Sup will cover it you are responsible for filing it.
_____ 6. Forms/Letters- We will be happy to complete forms and write medical letters for you upon your request. The fee of this service varies depending on the forms are $15.00 per form, and the payment is collected when you pick up the form(s). Please allow 10 business days for us to complete the form. Medical letters printed on company letterhead are $10.00 per letter and payment is also collected when you receive the letter.
_____7. Medical Records – Please remember that payment is due at the time of service.
_____8. Third Party Liability – We do not file insurance claims for third-party accidents, (i.e. motor vehicle insurance or property insurance). You will be asked to make full payment at the time of service, and you will need to file the claim with the insurance company.
_____9. Pls. circle (1) dilation or (2) Optomap ($39.00), or (3) VF screening ($29.00)
_____10.There will be no refund after 24 hours payment. For any examinations and products.(instore credit only )
Signature: _______________________________________ Date: _______________
Our Address
12238 Queenston Blvd., Suite K, Houston, TX 77095
Tel : 832-653-6596
Opening Hours
Monday: 9:00am-6:00pm
Tuesday: closed
Wednesday: 10:00am – 7:00pm
Thursday: 9:00am-6:00pm
Friday: 9:00am-6:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am-3:00pm
Sunday: closed
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